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Bloc de code en ligne Markdown

print("Hello, world!")

Blocs de code clôturés

print("Hello, world!")
for i in range(10):

Activer la coloration syntaxique

print("Hello, world!")
for i in range(10):

Liste des langages de bloc de code Markdown

  • actionscript3
  • apache
  • applescript asp brainfuck c cfm clojure cmake coffee-script, coffeescript, coffee cpp – C++ cs csharp css csv bash diff elixir erb – HTML + Embedded Ruby go haml http java javascript json jsx less lolcode make – Makefile markdown matlab nginx objectivec pascal PHP Perl python profile – python profiler output rust salt, saltstate – Salt shell, sh, zsh, bash – Shell scripting scss sql svg swift rb, jruby, ruby – Ruby smalltalk vim, viml – Vim Script volt vhdl vue xml – XML and also used for HTML with inline CSS and Javascript yaml